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Awesome news from Mozilla: After years of powerful web extensions such as Web Serial, Web Bluetooth and Web USB only being available in Chrome based browsers, there is now a path open for extensions they previously regarded as insecure to be added.

This will still need someone implementing it, but the path toward #Firefox PWAs that interact with the physical world is now open again.


AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt.

AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

Etwas Werbung in eigener Sache: Erster Fieldday seit Jahrzehnten 😱 Wer irgendwie in der Nähe ist und Bock hat, ist herzlich eingeladen - aber es ist ja auch noch etwas hin. Gerne Boost 😊 #hamradio #amateurfunk #fieldday

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AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

Happy “Kill the Bit” day to those who celebrate! Back in 1975 this was one of the first “type ins” for home computers, specifically the Altair 8800. Toggle in the code and you can play a little reaction timer game on the LEDs.

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AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

The vibe in the downstairs control room ATM. Listening to the Pixel Gaiden podcast and BBSing.

#retrocomputing #bbsing

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Never before have I bought 30 3.5" Diskettes at once. Not even back when they were the standard data transfer/storage medium.

Until today!

I have reasons. Probably not very good ones but reasons nonetheless ;-)

Oh, and I thinkt this "Euro 96 Football Software" needs to be uploaded to archive.org too!

#retrocomoputing #Diskettes #floppy

AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

Hat vielleicht noch jemand eine MOS 8501 CPU für den #Commodore #C16 über? Die hier wurde vom Vorgänger bei einem Reparaturversuch falsch herum auf den Sockel gesteckt und ist dabei gestorben. Das Gerät soll weiter leben.

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AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

»Wenn man die Masernpunkte verbindet, steht da geschrieben 'Meine Eltern sind Idioten.«

— — — —
Hier war ein Cartoon von Emily Flake.
Ein Junge mit vielen roten Punkten auf der Haut sitzt in Unterhose auf der Arztliege. Die Eltern stehen daneben. Der Arzt deutet mit dem Zeigefinger auf eine Stelle am Rücken und sagt: »Wenn man die Masernpunkte verbindet, steht da geschrieben 'Meine Eltern sind Idioten.'«

Bild gelöscht! Ohne Lizenzrechte darf so ein Cartoon nicht veröffentlicht werden.
— — — —

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AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

Vielleicht bin ich ja etwas überempfindlich. Aber die klammheimliche Freude wenn Orcas Segeljachten beschädigen/versenken kann ich nicht teilen..

Ist jetzt auch nicht sonderlich verwunderlich - so als Segler.

Aber ich möchte mal darauf hinweisen, dass sie besonders gerne kleine Segelyachten angreifen, Boote die unter Segel fahren und nicht unter Motor. Fischer- und Motorboote in Ruhe lassen. Auf diesen Booten oft Menschen fahren die auf ihren Booten zuhause sind und auf engem Budget leben.

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Als Antwort auf Oberflächenspannung

es ist irgendwie immer direkt die Sprache von "Yachten", auch im Artikel bei der Tagesschau. Da kommen Bilder von den großen Schiffen der Megareichen hoch. Gut, 15m ist jetzt nicht gerade klein, aber würde man von einem "Segelboot" sprechen, kämen vielleicht passendere Bilder in den Kopf.
Als Antwort auf Pläte


Tatsächlich ist 15 Meter die bisherige Obergrenze die von Orcas angegriffen wurde. Die meisten Yachten sind sehr viel kleiner.

Aber auch 15 Meter ist jetzt auch nichts Besonderes. Das gesunkene Boot war ein einfacher Serienbau der Mittelklasse im Charterbetrieb. Ein Mietboot.

Ich finde es traurig, dass das Wort Yacht so negativ geframed wird.
Übrigens einer der Gründe die den Einstieg in den Wassersport so schwierig macht. "Das ist nur was für die Reichen"

AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

#c64 #commodore #commodore64 #wien #vienna #cmeeting

Ich habe gerade eine Einladung zu einem der nächsten Computerclub Treffen für Retro Freunde bekommen. Da lerne ich dann hoffentlich noch einige Gleichgesinnte mehr kennen.

Wer sich dafür interessiert, folgt bitte diesem Link:


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AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

Fuck! Helft @Volksverpetzer !

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AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

Setting up the antenna for my first #POTA activation. Successfully activated DE-0335, Westpark Bochum on 2m SSB. #hamradio

AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt.

Als Antwort auf Arno DL2SSB

What is the exact role of this "Moritz FIEGE Pils" ham radio accessory in this nice success ?

(Not "homebrew", but nonetheless "brewed" !! 😂 )

BTW, is the 2m band popular for POTA ?

Als Antwort auf F4JWJ, Pierre

@F4JWJ Fiege (local beer) increases the fun factor by 200%.
2m is not that popular, I think, but it worked out well.

AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt


n i c e

AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt.

AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

Anyone considering how to break the #StackOverflow #monopoly already? Any #federated alternative work in progress?

AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt.

Als Antwort auf Codeberg.org

https://answer.apache.org/ is very close to SO usability-wise, no plans for federation though
Als Antwort auf Codeberg.org

lots of mentions of #Codidact, but it doesn’t look like anyone tagged @codidact Maybe they’ll have something to add.


AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

I'm tired of people using the term "podcast" when I can't find it at the place where I get my podcasts.

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AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

#Matrix is great, but using it can be a PITA. CLI clients are not ubiquitous, E2EE is complicated and requires local state, and the python client is extremely slow (like 10 seconds to send a message slow). I’ve often wanted a fast, easy way to post a message into a room in a way that’s simple and secure.

Enter #pokem, a simple CLI tool that can also run as a daemon. You create a user for it to run as, configure it to use that user, and invite that user to whatever rooms you want.

Remotely, you can send a POST request and it will put the data into the room. No fuss, no muss.

So I can run curl --fail -d "hello, matrix" 'https://pokem.koehn.com/<room id>' from any script and it will put the message there automagically, even if the room is E2EE.

Feel free to invite @pokem:koehn.com to your matrix room (on any home server) and you can do the same.


AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt.

AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

New video! In the second part of the series, I'm trying to resurrect the Apple Macintosh Performa 630 Power Supply I found to have lots of leaky capacitors in the previous episode.

YouTube: https://youtu.be/95m79bzZ69A
PeerTube: https://makertube.net/w/7KstbRzmvGwEa8UfeuoMMA

#Apple #Macintosh #Performa #Performa630 #DOSCompatible #Restoration #PowerSupply #Recapping #RetroComputing #VintageComputing

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AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

The future we were promised: flying cars anyone can operate

The future we got: my robotic vacuum cleaner just sent me a push notification asking if I’d like to enter a competition to win tickets to the Garfield movie

AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

Once again I love the diversity of networks I can see with Friendica. The last ~50 posts in my main timeline included posts from: Diaspora, PixelFed, Mastodon, SocialHome, Bluesky, and Pleroma. Thank you Friendica and the fediverse. #friendica #fediverse
Als Antwort auf elmussol

Oh yes lots more networks but those weren’t in my feed when I scrolled through right before posting :)

AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

I know that all those who are into #RetroComputing already know this excellent, excellent site, but maybe one or two of you don't, so to close this huge knowledge gap of yours:


I am really a huge fan of #Neozeed, the author of this site.

#OS2 #VirtuallyFun #MSDOS #Win31 #DOS #NT #WindowsNT #NextStep #UNIX

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AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

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AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

the #dillo browser after dealing with the loss of a core developer and the entire project going out and having to be revived by a new developer, as well as the original website being taken over by wordpress SEO slop...

released a new version after 9 years!!! and they are on fedi!

their website said to spread the word in order to support dillo, and you know what? i didn't know they were still at it, so now you know too. so go try it if you have some supremely crappy hardware, i know i do and dillo runs great on it.

thanks besties @dillo :steamhappy:


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Als Antwort auf realjame IXI hat dies geteilt

I really want Dillo to work. I need a browser that's small and fast and does an okay job rendering documents.

AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

A #Sony #HitBit #HB75D (german version, PAL video and QWERTZ keyboard) the only #MSX machine I have in my collection.

You can see the name of the original owner (Otto Zinsser - unknown to me) engraved on the case. Quite understandable since the machine cost DM 1000 when it was released in 1984. People wanted to protect their property.

Happy #MaySiXth

AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt.

Als Antwort auf Oliver Klink

@kolli do you have any additional peripherals? I need to build myself a tape recorder cable to transfer data via my PC or a real tape recorder.
Als Antwort auf Wintermute_BBS

no, nothing. When I got it I first made a cable for the tape port with a 3.5mm TSS plug on the other end, sticked it into my phone and used the app MSX2Cas. Worked well. Later I got me an SD512 cartridge emulator. Works for a lot but not all software. Supports ROM, CAS and partially DSK. Now I've seen an MSXPico cartridge emulator and want one. Seems to work with everything.
Als Antwort auf Wintermute_BBS

I loved using my #Sony #hitbit as well - wish I still had it. Maybe I'll look for a used one someday, just so I can read my old code again.

Look what just arrived at my doorstep. Only about 200 out of an expected 90 days of delivery time :)

But now its here and I'm looking forward to the kit assembly.

#uconsole #clockworkpi #linux #cyberdeck

Als Antwort auf AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺

looking forward to get mine.. but ordered "just" 40 days ago.. so it seems to take some more time. But maybe I can start with a CM5 than :D
Als Antwort auf AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺

I hope CM5 will be an option too!

And the OS situation can only become better until then. Currently it is a bit rough - officially only an old kernel version is provided etc...

But things are improving fast since more and more people get the uConsoles into their hands.

@Manuel Traut 🐧

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AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

Everyone keeps talking about bringing back the old web, and honestly maybe I'm missing something, but it never went away. I'm still using it thanks to an RSS reader and a personal website.

Granted, it's way less popular than it was when it was in its hayday, but it's still here. So go use it.

AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt.

Als Antwort auf Amanda Carson IXI hat dies geteilt

I self-host #Yarr (yet another rss reader), which is like a minimal #Feedly and I have perhaps 3 dozen feeds I follow. Between that and Mastodon I get my #news, my trending etc.

*Down with paywalls and subscribe to our mailing list and mashing subcribe button bullshit! Bring back the #RSS*

Als Antwort auf Amanda Carson

It's funny to talk about this newfangled Web 2.0 RSS technology as old web :-)

But you are right of course. It never went away, most people just don't know or care about it. I do though!

David Willanski hat dies geteilt.

AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

Der Werbe Slogan des Monats!

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Das österreichische Bundeseichelamt präsentiert:

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Netzfund #web #design #humor

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AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

I now own a Kobo Clara BW. Here's the first thing you need to know: pick a language, connect to wifi, it will update itself. After that it will ask you to 'connect the device' which requires a Kobo account.

Instead of doing that, plug it into a computer, and when it pops up a little window, click 'Connect.'

On the computer go to the .kobo/Kobo directory on the device, and edit the file Kobo eReader.conf. In the [ApplicationPreferences] section, add a line like


and save and exit the editor. Unmount the device from your computer, and hold the Clara BW's power button until the white LED flashes. Then press the power button again.

When it boots back up, you don't need to register or connect shit. Dump books on it and rock on.

I'm posting this because every single internet thing which talks about this leaves out two important facts:

1) If you edit that file before updating, or before you get to the QR code screen, it won't take.

2) Most of the online people access this mode by signing out of an existing account rather than activating it during first-run setup.

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Als Antwort auf khm

so... it seems to be case-sensitive: I tried a couple times and it didn't work until I put a lowercase L in SideloadedMode=true.
Als Antwort auf Josh Grams

That's interesting to hear, because I had the opposite experience! I had a lowercase L and it wouldn't work until I capitalized L (at the moment I have both versions in the file).

I've e-mailed the Kobo support people to get a canonical answer, but who knows if I'll get a response. Meanwhile, thanks for the heads-up, now hopefully people who don't have any luck with my instructions will see your post and try it that way!

AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

BBS Ad Post!

Particles! BBS has been around since 1992 in some form or fashion. We have a ton of regular callers, lots of posts, a bunch of games and downloads. Aim your computer at:

particlesbbs.dyndns.org port 6400

or particles.org

Check us out!


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AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

Commodore 128DD

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Als Antwort auf NanoRaptor

I vaguely remember there were plans for a 128CD version with an Amiga CD32 card at one point but unfortunately Commodore went bankrupt before they could release it.

AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

Ich habe jetzt Glasfaser in meiner Wohnung. Da ich die Dose nicht neben der Haustür sitzen haben wollte, sondern in meinem Büro musste ich den Weg vorbereiten.

Bei einer Diskussion darüber wie doof ich Kabelkanal finde, fragte mich jemand: "kannst du nicht Kupfer bis zur Haustür legen?".

Hab ich gemacht...

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AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

Last month, 28000 streams made £86. If 9 people bought a physical CD or a digital download of my album, I’d have made the same. The system is broken. Today is #BandcampFriday where BC waive fees. All proceeds of downloads and CD sales go to artists! Please order here ➡️ https://ionafyfe.bandcamp.com/album/iona-fyfe

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AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

Heat Death of the Internet - A brief short story that neatly wraps up our daily struggles with what the Internet has become.


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AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

Hat jemand zufaellig ein (defektes?) „Magic Keyboard mit Touch ID" abzugeben? Das ohne Ziffernblock! Der Touch-ID Button sollte aber noch funktionieren.

Bitte teilt das, damit es ganz viele lesen. 😃

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Als Antwort auf danielkrah

@danielkrah Ich will den gar nicht tauschen. Ich will den ausbauen und separat an jedem Mac mit jeder Tastatur nutzen. 😃

Siehe dieses Projekt hier:

AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

10 FOR B=1 TO 60

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AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

Don't let anyone talk you out of starting a PhD. It's only 3 years, and those 6 years will be the happiest 9 years of your life.

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