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AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

Looking desperately for people with BRCA gene mutation.
Please retoot!

Je cherche désespérément des personnes avec la mutation BRCA, faites tourner svp !

Suche vergeblich nach Leuten mit BRCA Genmutation. Bitte retroeten!



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AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

Du, Vielflieger mit drölfhundert Statusmeilen:
“Der Champagner in der Senator-Lounge ist schon wieder zu warm.”

Ich, Vielfresser mit Platinum-Diamond-Status beim Falaffelmann: “Istgutekunde! Mach voll und extra Hallumi! - Dauert bissi… Tee oder Ayran auf Haus?”

AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt.

Als Antwort auf Jeroen Massar

@jeroen This is pretty fine Syrian food right there. It's not "gourmet" but it's definitely not "junk food" :)
Als Antwort auf ~n

Junk food is the food we love, I wish we had more non-Italian options here, maybe have to go more often to Milano which does have a better selection.

AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

Guten Morgen - Tässle Kaffee ☕️?

Nach dem Abschied von Facebook & Instagram, nun auch TwitterX habe ich alle kommerziellen, sog. sozialen, oft aber antisozialen Medien hinter mir gelassen. Plane daher auch weiterhin nicht, auf BlueSky zu gehen, sondern möchte mich erst einmal auf das Fediversum – auf den Blog, Mastodon, Pod- und Videocasts – beschränken. Ja, ich hoffe gar, dass mit KI-Anwendungen das Fediversum erstarkt und ein Verebben antisozialer Medien einsetzt. https://scilogs.spektrum.de/natur-des-glaubens/warum-ich-im-fediversum-bleibe-aber-nicht-auf-bluesky-wechsele/#comment-157679

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Als Antwort auf Dr. Michael Blume

Guten Morgen Michael. ☕️☕️😊

Tässle #Kaffee geht auch zur Mittagspause, und ansonsten 👍

Als Antwort auf Dr. Michael Blume

Finde es echt stark, dass Sie sich auf seriöse und relevantere Plattformen beschränken. Das würde auch anderen grossen Accounts guttun.
Den destruktiven Elementen sollte das soziale Internet nicht überlassen werden.
Hier bei Mastodon finden sich noch die normaleren Leute, die ich auch lieber mag.

Schönes WE, juhu!

Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (11 Stunden her)

AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

The amount of LWN traffic that is just AI bots downloading the same stuff over and over again is staggering; it's increasingly hard to see any sort of human signal in there at all. Something is going to give here at some point...


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AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

So last weekend I built a quick&dirty 1.3/4m magnetic loop out of some old Cisco/Amphenol coax I had lying around and never used because its so stiff, a pair of wago clamps and a variable capacitor I had.
Now sitting on the balcony doing FT8 on 20m with my new #sbitx, and although I don't fully like the UI, its really working surprisingly well.
Especially that you just have plug in coax and power and are ready to go is really nice.

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Als Antwort auf OE1RFC

Switched to 40m, that's what I mainly designed the loop for (eg. tuneable up to 10m but somewhat useful efficiency on the lower bands)
The main thing I don't like on the #sbitx display is that if there's enough going on, stations calling you just scroll away. I don't need most of the (left) spectrum display, but a list of calling/called stations would really be nice.
But I have to say, that's a bit nitpicking and I could implement it myself ;)

Metafunk ⚡ hat dies geteilt.

AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

Im Juli 1978 wurde das letzte Mal eine New York Times in Bleisatz gedruckt. Das war Anlass für den Ko-Korrektor Weiß und den Maschinensetzer Schlesinger eine sehr sehenswerte Dokumentation über diese untergegangene Arbeitswelt zu drehen. Keine retroromantische Verklärung, sondern das echte Leben.


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AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

We’re thrilled to introduce 4K Executable Graphics - our newest addition to the competition line-up! All information regarding Compo rules and deadlines can be found on our website.
Show us what you got! 👨‍🎨 🖼️

But how do executable graphics work? Let‘s dive into it!

🧑🏻‍🏫 Imagine you’ve got 4 kilobytes space to encode the most awesome image you can produce. Photos are several megabytes, right? And if you zip-compress them or save as JPEG? A bit smaller, but still orders of magnitude more than 4 kilobytes.

So, the techniques gotta be different from usual if you want to impress with your image. You would not encode pixel colors, or palette indices - instead, competitors calculate pixel colors from pixel coordinates on their graphics cards!
Entries in this competition are executables, with mathematical instructions how to compute the final and very awesome image, just from parameters, using curves and surfaces, evaluated per-pixel.

Sounds mad? 😲 Damn right, expect some serious mathematical, technical and also artistic skills being shown off in this competition! 💪

#demoscene #evoke25

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AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

Ich finde, Solaranlagen in Schulen sollten auch ein Display haben, auf dem man ablesen kann, was gerade produziert wird

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AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

Erwin Mosers Geschichten samt Bildern hab ich schon als Kind geliebt und les/hör sie immer noch gern... 😊 letztens waren welche auf Ö1: https://oe1.orf.at/programm/20240714/765760/Sommersehnsuchtsgeschichten

In Gols gibt's ein eigenes Museum

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AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

The MEGA65's injection molded plastic case is held together with three screws that go directly into the plastic. I routinely open my case for things, and also travel with it, so I wondered if I could mod the case for a more durable screw-hold solution.

I learned about "heat set inserts" and thought they'd be perfect if I could get them to work. It seemed unlikely but I thought I'd try it... 1/ 🧵

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Als Antwort auf Dan Sanderson

Anyway, I cut the bolt, cleaned up the charred bits, and now my MEGA65 is back to normal, minus the middle case screw.

Except then I noticed that the MEGA65 wasn't booting from the external SD card...

8/ 🧵

Venty 🇨🇭🫕 hat dies geteilt.

Als Antwort auf Dan Sanderson

I swear to god the mainboard and SD card were nowhere near anything I was cutting or screwing. I have *no* idea how this happened. It could just be a crack from inappropriate pressure applied, but it very much looks like a gouge from a cutting implement. Seriously, no idea. 9/ 🧵

Venty 🇨🇭🫕 hat dies geteilt.

Als Antwort auf Dan Sanderson

Final verdict: I don't believe the MEGA65 case has enough plastic to support replacing case screws with heat-set inserts. Do not attempt.

I might have had a better result removing more plastic before trying the insert, and using a much lower iron temperature. Maybe if I were better with plastic I'd have more options for fixing or completing this idea. For me, I'm just going to stop here. Worth a shot.


Als Antwort auf Dan Sanderson

I wonder if you could use epoxy to build up the area around the insert. Maybe Loctite epoxy plastic bonder or similar?
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (2 Tage her)
Als Antwort auf Mark Krueger

@markkrueg Worth trying, yeah. If I just want the original screw terminal back I might get away with a dab of hot glue. :)
Als Antwort auf Dan Sanderson

A night’s sleep and a new SD card later, and I can diagnose the broken card. I see a plastic support right where the card breakage occurred. It’s possible that the board was mis-seated and this support jutted into the passageway, cutting the card when I tried to insert it. The passageway still feels partially obstructed and the card isn’t reading. Looking more closely now…
Als Antwort auf Dan Sanderson

Unfortunately in trying to fix what seemed like an obstruction in the slot, I think I bent a pin or something. The reader no longer works, and I'm not sure I can fix or replace it.

Lucky for me the MEGA65 has two SD card slots, and I also have a spare board. That's what I get for taking an interest in hardware. NO REGRETS. 😎

Als Antwort auf Dan Sanderson

That is definitely the right attitude to get anywhere in hardware!

I broke and almost-broke quite a few of my early computers but gotten more careful with time. Yet, I think I would be a lot more skilled by now in electronics if I were as unafraid to make mistakes as I was back then. Instead, I work in software.. 😹

Personally, joining a local #RepairCafe has really helped me: no risk in breaking something that is already broken, you can only win! 😹

Als Antwort auf jakob 🇦🇹 ✅

du meinst die bekommen ihre rfid chips jetzt nicht per impfung sondern fernimplantation? ;)
Als Antwort auf jakob 🇦🇹 ✅

I posted this on my company watercooler Slack channel.

Yeah didn't go down well 😂

AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

Freie Software in der Schule: Warum ich meine eigene Notenverwaltung schreibe

Die meisten Lehrkräfte dürften eine Tabellenkalkulation benutzen. Das funktioniert für mich aber nicht gut bzw. überhaupt nicht, sodass ich eine andere Lösung (er)finde.

#Schule #Noten #Lehrkräfte #Linux


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AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

People have always been baffled as to why I refuse to get a Google account or a Discord account, or want programs I actually run locally, subscription-free. @pluralistic explains why:



And no, I don't buy into the "if you're innocent you have nothing to fear" attitude about things like this, or privacy, or the like. I have plenty of experience with authority figures or people in positions of even petty power being arbitrary and untrustworthy.

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AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

EU / Facebook: „Besonders in der Kritik stehen hier die sogenannten “Pay or Consent”-Modelle, bei denen Nutzer entweder eine monatliche Abogebühr zahlen oder der Verwendung ihrer Daten zur Personalisierung von Werbebannern zustimmen müssen. Jetzt koordiniert die Europäische Kommission eine Untersuchung des Meta-Modells“, schreibt der iphone-ticker.de


AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt.

AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

!Friendica Admins Dear admins, I need your input. Recently I added some data for the monitoring, so that you can monitor your Friendica instance via Tools like Zabbix.

Question now is: What data could be interesting for you? This data is currently available now (I added some more fields)

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Als Antwort auf Michael Vogel Friendica Admins hat dies geteilt

I'm currently using Munin, like many other admins. Would this new feature easily worked for this?
@Michael Vogel
Als Antwort auf Andy H3 Friendica Admins hat dies geteilt

Can Munin read JSON and can perform HTTP requests?
Als Antwort auf Michael Vogel Friendica Admins hat dies geteilt

Can Munin read JSON and can perform HTTP requests?

To be honest I'm not entirely sure about this. Maybe @Steffen K9 🐰 or someone else can shed light on this.

Als Antwort auf Michael Vogel Friendica Admins hat dies geteilt

As far as I know Munin is reading local logs and stats from /proc. For everything else (e.g. MySQL, Apache, ...) a plugin is needed. To read a local JSON file Munin needs a plugin too, I guess. But I don't know if there's any.

AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

What’s going on with Chiron? New study investigates Solar System mystery https://www.qub.ac.uk/News/Allnews/2024/WhatsgoingonwithChiron.html #astrodon
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AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

Where are you seeing this?

Let's see, how far this post can go already: Please share widely. And write a comment, when you're not on #Mastodon.

#SocialMedia #Fediverse #Nostr

  • Mastodon (95%, 4626 Stimmen)
  • Other place in the Fediverse (4%, 206 Stimmen)
  • Bluesky (0%, 10 Stimmen)
  • Somewhere else (0%, 24 Stimmen)
4866 Stimmen, Abstimmung endet: 1 Tag her

Als Antwort auf Martin Holland

The Problem with this is, many or even most Fediverse Software does not support Mastodon Votes.

Posting from Friendica, but cannot actively participate in the Vote - only comment.

@Martin Holland

Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (1 Woche her)
Als Antwort auf Martin Holland Ehrenreich Meuchel hat dies geteilt

This is, how it currently looks: This post received more than 500 boosts.

They came from this instances, the color show the software. As you can see, it's almost all #Mastodon:

Mastodon 497
#Sharkey 12
#Akkoma 7
#Firefish 4
#Gotosocial 3
#Hometown 2
#Iceshrimp 2
#Pleroma 1
#Momostr 1
#Friendica 1
#Mitra 1
#Hubzilla 1

AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

That feeling of smugness this morning when I turn on my computer and am greeted with a blue screen!

#RC2014 #TMSEMU #Z80 #BSOL

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Als Antwort auf Wintermute_BBS

to be fair - things like that can always happen for reasons beyond the scope of this toot.

Next time, it's another issue and it may affect Linux systems.

Als Antwort auf Wintermute_BBS

I worked in IT support, server admin, and network management for 20 years. Days like today would be an absolute nightmare.

These days the nightmare days are totally different, but they still happen [sideways look at Litelfuse and their Z80 EOL statement]

AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

Notice from the Admiralty

We are aware that some battlemech pilots engage in so-called "dance-offs" in their spare time. We have allowed this as harmless fun.

However, after seeing the viral clip of Jaeger-845D and Jaeger-922H do the tango we must make a public statement:


#MicroFiction #SmallStories #TootFic

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AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

Are hackers the future of ham radio? See this from Hackaday: https://hackaday.com/2024/07/18/are-hackers-the-future-of-amateur-radio/

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AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

DISCMASTER VERSION 2.0 IS COMING. The site is now converting its materials to the next-gen version, which you can see on the top of the page as it does the conversions. (It's at 2% as of this message.)


Check out the features of discmaster 2!


AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt.

Als Antwort auf Jason Scott

1.41% as of this message. Is stuff getting added faster than it can crunch the preexisting collection?
Als Antwort auf snapman

@snapman_i_am nothing is currently being added, but there have been a couple restarts working through the bugs of the transition, which we obviously want to get smooth

AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

Vor dem Hintergrund, dass #Firefox auf datenschutzbewusste Nutzer abzielt, ist die Einführung von Privacy-Preserving Attribution (#PPA) ein Desaster. Dabei geht es weniger um die Technologie selbst, sondern vielmehr darum, dass die Nutzer nicht gefragt werden, sondern aktiv widersprechen (Opt-Out) müssen. Hätte #Mozilla die Nutzer informiert und um Zustimmung gebeten, wäre der Shitstorm vermeidbar gewesen. Es scheint, dass Mozilla nicht aus den Fehlern der Vergangenheit gelernt hat. 🤦‍♂️

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Als Antwort auf Mike Kuketz 🛡

Manche Dinge ändern sich wohl leider nie. 😭

Ein Déjà-Vu aus der Firefox-Vergangenheit: :firefox: 🤔


Als Antwort auf Mike Kuketz 🛡

PPA ist automatiscj deaktiviert sobald auch Telemetrie deaktiviert ist. In 128.0.2 wird dies auch in den Einstellungen sichtbar gemacht.

AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

🧚: How strong do you like your coffee?
:ablobcatcoffee:⁠: I want it to show up on drug tests...

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Heut gibts jetzt was auf die Ohren: Matthias Maurer im "Alles Gesagt" Interview - 9:46h

Gut dass ich lange Podcasts mag. Nix schlimmer als so ein Gespräch in einen fixen Zeitrahmen zu pressen. Gleich mal reinstarten!

Verlinken kann ich nichts wegen dem "pay or ok" Terrorbanner auf der #Zeit Webseite. Findet sich aber in gängigen Podcatchern.

#podcast #allesgesagt #esa #astronaut

AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

Please vote for an implementation of VJOURNAL in Thunderbird. 👇 This would REALLY improve the ecosystem and usability of open protocols! Currently there is almost no software on the desktop to sync your notes and journals with a CalDAV server and TB could fill a huge gap here.


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AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

Schlagzeile 'Prime Day! mit diesem genialen Gerät nie wieder geblitzt werden!'
Und ich Trottel dachte ein Tacho sei in allen modernen Autos bereits eingebaut.

AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

“The graying open source community needs fresh blood • The Register”


The software industry is built on a foundation of junior developers being tasked to extract value by building on free code maintained by older people effectively working for free. But it's also both phasing out those junior developers in favour of a dude with LLMs, burning out the OSS maintainers at a record rate, and exceedingly prejudiced against older workers

This does not bode well for the future.

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AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

Hey #mac nerds: does #openfirmware #Forth cell size very according the the word size of the #PowerPC processor? That is, is the cell size 32 bits on a G3 and 64 bits on a G5? #retrocomputing #osx #macos #ppc

Also is there an OpenFirmware "Bible" that goes deeper than Mac OS X Internals by Amit Singh?

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AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

IMO, iTunes 5 and iTunes 6 had the cleanest, most consistent UIs through the app. This was simplicity that was also functional. So, so nice!

#MacOSX #Aqua #iTunes

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Als Antwort auf codfather #FBPE

Missing alt text: cartoon by "Blazek": Two Hydrogen buffalo + one Oxygen buffalo = one Water buffalo
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (1 Woche her)

AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

Netherlands equivalent of driving your Hummvee to get takeout.

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AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 hat dies geteilt

Dutch government announces that they'll make Mastodon available to all layers of the entire Dutch government, as a shared service of the government, starting in 2025!

The Mastodon pilot of the government celebrates their 1-year anniversary today, and as part of the evaluation they stated the Mastodon pilot "strengthens digital autonomy and [creates] a safe and reliable information supply".

Announcement (in Dutch): https://www.digitaleoverheid.nl/nieuws/1-jarig-mastodon-overheid-blikt-terug-en-vooruit/

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Beim Blumen gießen den kleinen Zeh gebrochen. Aua!

Leute passt auf - Pflanzen, so gefährlich!