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20 Years of #Grml Releases!

On 22nd and 23rd of October 2004, an open source event called “OS04” took place in Graz, Austria. Jon “Maddog” Hall gave the keynote speech; and the first release of Grml was published. Now, 20 years later, Grml is still around! 🥳

We would like to celebrate this milestone with our users from all around the world! The team would like to collect postcards from Grml users everywhere and create a “Grml wall”. See blog.grml.org/archives/417-20-… for details!


teilten dies erneut

Als Antwort auf grmlproject

Herzlichen Glückwunsch.
Auch wenn ich mich an Codenamen wie "Schluchtenscheisser" nie gewöhnen konnte
Als Antwort auf AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺

@Seraphyn: Meine Favoriten sind immer noch die 2009er und 2010er #Grml Releasenamen:

Grml 2010.12 - Gebrüder Grml
Grml 2010.04 - Grmlmonster
Grml 2009.10 - Hello-Wien
Grml 2009.05 - Lackdose-Allergie

Vom Grmlmonster habe ich sogar ein T-Shirt. Wobei das mittlerweile vom Waschmaschinenmonster etwas malträtiert wurde. 😢

Als Antwort auf grmlproject

Congratulations and thanks for saving me a lot of time and pain over the years.
Als Antwort auf grmlproject

This looks interesting. I wanted a Debian Live USB with persistence and was surprised how challenging it would be to set up.

This looks like a good solution to that issue.

Congratulations on 20 years!

Als Antwort auf grmlproject

Congratulations ... and fascinating!!!

I must admit that in the many years I've used all possible and impossible flavors of Linux and various *BSDs, I've never come across #grml

Sounds like the perfect opportunity to try it out in the next few days 😎
