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me, procrastinating to go grocery shopping
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online with Mac OS9.2 on MNT Reform (with RK3588 processor)
Als Antwort auf Dirk Eibach

@de PowerPC seems to be pretty efficient to emulate on ARM :D
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A shame that this architecture is slowly fading away.
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@de yeah, they should've released some affordable POWER SoCs for tinkerers, SBCs etc
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@de there’s the RAD5545 SpaceVPX… oh wait I missed the “affordable”
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it's very sad that IBM let's this happen-getting abadonded, couple years ago they still had a chance to go against even big players, but they let it only for big ones and never did anything for small scale, also a new 4 core(back in 2017 or so?) power architecture cpu was a fortune, and power 10 just lost all attention as they locked everything in:( power9 had a chance to be adapted into multiple places, i remember https://www.powerpc-notebook.org/en/ that they went out around that time( tho i wasnt following back then) i haven't known they're making a laptop for real now, but sadly it doesnt seem like it got any media attention at all. it would be realy interesting to have 4 competing architectures on the market
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well Motorola ehm Free scale ehm NXP went through a lot of changes. Maybe they were busy doing other stuff.
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@de i wonder what they're doing now? layerscape wasn't updated in a long time...
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@de yeah but also that family feels pretty outdated now, why is i.MX9 using only A55? there's only one i.MX with Cortex-A72 (also old now) and that's a pretty exotic and power-hungry one
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I guess to compete with the Nvidias, Broadcoms and Rockchips you need numbers that you won't get with the industrial market
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OS X installer was pretty technical back then (this is 10.3), "Preparing BSD Subsystem"
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Very sexy. This „showing off UNIX“ thing brought me to this Open Source thing I think.
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Back then, even their ads were quite technical since they were trying to look attractive (which they pretty much were IMHO) to Unix users… good times…
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Back then, it was still quite new that Mac OS was suddenly a Unix. And that you had to install it, because it didn't mainly reside in the ROM.
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originally i just wanted to try Dark Seed II on mac for some reason (it's probably a very bad game) but that escalated somehow
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IDK why but for me this OS9 is Apple's peak design, everything looks so good
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OS X 10.3 does work btw (on MNT Reform w/RK3588, under QEMU)
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networking and safari work, but safari can't connect to modern https unfortunately
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… and now imagine the fun browsing the interwebz with an SGI and Netscape 2.01S 😄
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Just configure an HTTP proxy on the same network: https://retrocomputing.stackexchange.com/questions/17680/how-can-i-visit-https-websites-in-old-web-browsers